Foreknowledge (πρόγνωσις)
The English word "prognosis" originates from the Greek word for "foreknowledge" (πρόγνωσις) and retains its basic meaning. A prognosis refers to a prediction of an outcome based on prior knowledge. While the term is most commonly used in the medical field—where a physician’s prior knowledge is applied to determine the best course of action for addressing a sickness, injury, or disease—it is not confined to this context.
Paul uses prognosis in his defense before Agrippa, calling upon the Jews who all have a previous knowledge of his lifestyle as a Pharisee (Acts 26:5).
After Peter discusses the new heavens and new earth, he encourages us to be on our guard because we have a prior knowledge (foreknowledge) that what exists now will be totally destroyed (2 Peter 3:17).
When considering God and His foreknowledge, Scripture reveals that those whom He foreknew, He marked off their bounds to be conformed to the image of His Son (Romans 8:29). His foreknowledge pertains to the plan God determined before the creation of the universe, in which He resolved to set a specific group aside to be conformed to His Son. This foreknowledge is not looking at the individual, but the council that the Godhead determined to fulfill. Thus, foreknowledge focuses on God’s sovereign plan, not on individuals as if they were arbitrarily chosen beforehand for salvation.
Concerning Israel, Paul explains that God has not rejected the people whom He foreknew. As a nation, Israel was set apart for God, and He will not cast them off but will fulfill His promises to them. Elijah learned this lesson when he believed he was the only faithful one remaining. However, God revealed that seven thousand men had not bowed the knee to Baal, despite appearances to the contrary (Romans 11:2-4).
Before the foundation of the universe, God the Father determined that God the Son would take on flesh and serve as a precious lamb without blemish, through whom the Church would be purchased (1 Peter 1:20). This foreknowledge does not pertain to Christ as a human coming into existence, for prior to His incarnation, God the Son had not yet taken on flesh. Rather, it is referring to Christ’s coming in accordance with the foreknowledge of the council of the Godhead that determined it would happen.
God’s foreknowledge is evident in His understanding of persecution and how those who are persecuted would be scattered. In Peter’s first letter, he addresses the elect strangers who were scattered according to the foreknowledge of God (1 Peter 1:1-2). A significant translation issue arises in this passage, as it appears in some versions that Peter is stating believers are “elect in accordance with the foreknowledge of God.” This interpretation stems from a theological bias, as the word “elect” was moved out of its original order to support the doctrine of predestination. The actual text, when correctly ordered, reads: Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, to the elect strangers of the dispersion in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia, according to the foreknowledge of God the Father…. Here, the phrase “according to the foreknowledge of God” refers to their scattering, not to election unto salvation. God’s foreknowledge pertains to His plan for their dispersion, aligning with His sovereign purposes amid persecution.
Foreknowledge is grounded in a prior understanding or experience that provides the knowledge necessary to determine the course or path of an event or circumstance. The only instance in Scripture where foreknowledge is applied to an individual is in Paul's defense before Agrippa, where he appeals to the Jews who had prior knowledge of him.
Within the decree of God, He determined that certain events would take place, such as salvation coming through the sacrifice of God the Son and the appointment of a specific group of the redeemed to be placed as sons in Christ, conformed to the image of His Son. However, Scripture does not state that God’s foreknowledge operates in response to what He previously knew an individual would do. Instead, God acts in accordance with His foreknowledge of what He determined to accomplish.